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Maps: Roman Empire Third Century C.E.;  map of Italy from IAM (their policies for use); map of Europe in antiquity from “DIR/ORB Antique and Medieval Atlas” (click on area for larger closeup); provinces of the Roman Empire; City of Rome;

The Writing Center is in the Phillips Annex, 962-7710; see their website.
There are links to lots of good writing tools at a Rutgers page.

Plagiarism and the Honor Code

The Julius Caesar Site

Augustus: Testimonia, Univ. of Saskatchewan   a few passages on Augustus from Seneca, Suetonius, Tacitus

Augustan Studies page of  Eric Kondratieff with timeline

Augustus, University of Saskatchewan  nice 10-15 page summary of events of the years 44-31

Course pages or handouts on Augustus: C. Mackay, Alberta (cf. also p. 2 and 3),  C. Jones, Harvard (with timeline), 

Forum Romanum

Text of Dio Cassius in English Book 45 is here

Augustus links on the “Mantovano” home page devoted to Vergil at include: links to John Porter on the Rise of Augustus; David L. Silverman on the transition from Republic to Empire, with an introduction to the primary sources as well as current historiography; Greg Ong on the formation of the second triumvirate, Antony vs. Octavian, the constitutional position of Augustus, his social reforms, and the second half of his principate

Primary sources on the “Mantovano” home page devoted to Vergil: a great annotated page with primary sources in English and sometimes Latin, such as Augustus’s Res Gestae (“The emperor’s own account of his works and deeds”), Plutarch’s Life of Marc Antony, a pic of Augustus’ Mausoleum, the Latin text of a letter from Augustus to his son Gaius, a biography of Augustus by Nicolaus of Damascus, Suetonius’ Life of Augustus, Tacitus’ comments on Augustsu and the end of the Republic, English translations of Augustan legislation on marriage, procreation, and adultery.

The Background page for Augustus on the “Mantovano” home page has links to T. Mayes on the Roman Kalendar, Clifton R. Fox’s genealogical guide to the Julio-Claudians, Mark Morford’s page of photos and site plans, with commentary, of the Augustan mausoleum complex, the Ara Pacis, the Prima Porta statue of Augustus, and the Gemma Augustea, Justin Paola’sVisual Compendium of Roman Emperors (portrait coins and sculpture); Chris Renauld’s pics of Portrait busts of Augustus and Agrippa; labeled details from the Ara Pacis Augustæ, Kathyrn Andrus-Walck’s pics of and and info on the Prima Porta statue of Augustus, the Ara Pacis Augustæ, and the Theater of Marcellus. With commentary and thumbnails.

Julius Caesar on the “Mantovano” home page: Primary sources, background and images, modern essays and historical fiction on Octavian’s adoptive father.

John Paul Adams has a great Augustus page  with info and essays: a timeline of dates in the life of Augustus, a page on the personal, religious, magisterial, and political responsibilities of the princeps, brief descriptions of  “Building Projects in Rome in Augustus’ Time,”  “Some Augustan Legislation,” “Augustus’ Illnesses,” “Conspiracies against Augustus”

Garrett G. Fagan has an Introductory essay on Augustus, with bibliography and guide to ancient sources. From De imperatoribus romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors.  The same source also has an essay on Augustus by Nina C. Coppolino

Rome: Republic to Empire  Pages of Barbara F. McManus of The College of New Rochelle; links to her pages on   Roman Slavery and the Rebellion of Spartacus, Julius Caesar, Antony, Octavian, and Cleopatra: (the end of the Roman Republic; our course!); Augustus and Tiberius (the beginnings of the Roman Empire), Caligula, Roman Names (more on the Roman name from Columbia), Roman Republican Government, Roman Social Classes and Political Factions of the Late Republic

For links to a few COINS see here.

For the “Eulogy of Turia” (a woman who lived through the proscriptions) see also online here

A website on The House of Ptolemy has information and links on Cleopatra and her relatives.  They also have a page on “Caesar, Cleopatra, and Marcus Antonius and the Transition to a Greco-Roman (Roman Imperial) Egypt

The Forum Romanum  has a lot of good links, some just for fun, including a Chronology of Roman History, a Virtual Tour of Rome, a bit about the Latin Language, and an excellent list of Online Texts in Latin and English

Roman history : long annotated list of websites on ancient Rome  about 20 pp. by an (amateur?) historian online, from Spartacus through Augustus


Text of Cornelius Nepos’ “Life of Atticus” in English and Latin.  Cicero’s friend, and the namesake of some bookstores.


  • The Fictional Rome Home Page developed by Louis M. Seigal, Leslie Phillips & Fred Mench, and housed at supported by the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.  Searchable Database; Authors & Reviews; Essays; Glossary of Latin words used in novels; Information on Historical Figures; Reference Works on Historical Fiction; Timeline; Discussion; Web Rings; Links.
  • Another page: The Detective and the Toga: Novels in English by Richard M. Heli.  Extensive list, with frequent updates; see the general page at  which describes the page as a “Bibliography of mystery novels and short stories set in Ancient Rome”
  • John Williams, Augustus (which we read in this course): Amazon blurb
  • Texts of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra are available online
  • Alan Massie, Augustus (1987) blurb
  • Stephen Saylor has written a mystery novel, “Catilina’s Riddle”, which is fairly sympathetic to Catiline, offering a different look at the 63 BCE events covered by Sallust.  Here’s a little bio info on Saylor, and here’s the “Roman Fiction” page.  Here’s the info , with blurb, on “Catilina’s Riddle.”  Saylor’s 1999 novel Rubicon is set in 49 BCE at the start of the war between Caesar and Pompey, and his newest, Last Seen in Massilia, is set later in 49 (Amazon blurb).  Beware: one of the Saylor home pages spells Catiline wrong!
  • Hermann Broch’s 1945 “The Death of Virgil”; see the “Roman Fiction” page for this bold novel, which was begun while the author was imprisoned in a German concentration camp, and which presents stream of consciousness remembrances from Vergil’s last 18 hours of life
  • I, Claudius, and Claudius the God, the novels by Robert Graves, the first made into a great Masterpiece Theater series on PBS, available in VHS and DVD (see review of DVD).  Lots of info here ; here’s the “Roman Fiction” page for Graves.
  • Novels about Ovid I: Christoph Ransmayr, The Last World: A Novel with an Ovidian Repertory (1990); see the “Roman Fiction” page , which calls it a “metaphysical thriller” in which “a young admirer goes in search of the exiled poet … in the remote Black Sea town of Toni … [and] finds in the rust-corroded town an ominous scene suffused with and dominated by Ovidian mythology, a transformed place where the ancient world meets the 20th century.
  • Novels about Ovid II: David Malouf, An Imaginary Life; “Roman fiction” page   Also Ovid in exile.
  • Novels about Ovid III: The Love-Artist, by Jane Alison (Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2001). Again Ovid in exile, this time inspired by a woamn named Xenia to write his “Medea”.
  • Thornton Wilder, The Ides of March
  • Xena, Antony, and Cleopatra episode-guide with link to script of “Xena” episode; slightly different version of events (X. disguised at Cleo., woos then kills MA).  Other episodes that seem to (I haven’t seen them) have Caesar or other Romans: Rome, Ides

Back to the UNC Classics 35 Age of Augustus home page


VROMA  images of Caesar, Caesar, Caesar, Caesar, Caesar on a coin, the Rubicon, Cleopatra?, Pompey. Info about these images here and here is VROMA’s policy for image use.

VROMA‘s Augustus of Prima Porta, several views of a bust of Augustus (scroll down to 43ff), McManus’ images (see here for info) including Agrippa, Antony and Octavia on a coin, Octavian on a coin, Octavian and the deified Caesar on a coin, Augustus with toga and scrollcameo of Augustus and then another pic of it; another cameo; Augustus with the “civic crown; Augustus as pontifex, Augustus sacrificing, busts of Augustus and family members; Antony and Cleopatra on a coin (more pics still here including Livia, Caesar, Vergil etc.; see also here).

Jim Higginbotham of Bowdoin has numerous annotated images for the Augustan period (e.g. mausoleum, drawing of sundial, Forum of Augustus, Forum of Julius)

Mark Morford of Virginia has an annotated page called Augustus: Images of Power  (e.g. mausoleum, Ara Pacis, Augustus of Prima Porta)

See also at VROMA Ross Scaife’s images, including busts (altered later) of Sulla and Marius

Doing a search for images at with the keyword “Augustus” will get you links to photographs of a number of coins (34 of them) and sculptures and buildings related to Augustus.  Here is their policy for image use.

Back to the UNC Classics 35 Age of Augustus home page


Francis Ford Coppolaís plans for a version of the Catiline set in New York:  see here  or  here  (for the latter, look or search for the word Megalopolis about 5/6 of the way down)

General Intro: Sallust’s life, writing, and style, and Sallust as a Historian, Reprinted in its entirety from “Introduction”, Sallust’s Catiline, ed. Jared W. Scudder, Allyn & Bacon: Boston, 1900.
IV. Sallust’s Style
Home page of a Graduate Course on Sallust at Penn. with Links to info on Cicero’s Speeches against Catiline
latin text at rutgers
more latin texts:
texts in latin (at patriot)

A 1997 senior thesis on Sallust at St. John’s

encyclopedia stuff

Histos (online journal): Robin Seager Review of A. Drummond: Law, Politics and Power. Sallust and the Execution of the Catilinarian Conspirators

BMCR review of Drummond by James P. Holoka

review of novel John Maddox Roberts The Catiline conspiracy New York : Avon, 1991
(saylor page with catilina typo:

As noted above under “fiction”, Stephen Saylor has written a mystery novel, “Catilina’s Riddle”, which is fairly sympathetic to Catiline, offering a different look at the 63 BCE events covered by Sallust.  See more on Saylor above.

(need more links specifically on
Epodes, Satires)

Selected Odes in English, on Diotima

Horace’s Villa Info, pictures and even a  Quicktime tour of Horace’s Villa near Licenza, Italy; there are also some pages with English and Latin texts of poems related to the Villa

Texts of Horace in Latin (patriot)

Texts of Horace in English and Latin at

A Bibliography of Horace from Rutgers

Online texts of Horace and Roman Elegy

English translations of Horace’s Odes and Epodes,the elegies of Propertius and Tibullus, and of Ovid’s works, can be found both in the graduate library and in the Classics Library in Howell 103.  Below are links to online texts of these authors, in Latin for all authors, and in English for some (I don’t think online translations of Tibullus are available online yet).

Two general things to know:
There is a good list of all online texts of Latin authors, in Latin and where avilable in English or other languages, at:

Annotated Latin texts and English translations are often available at the great “Perseus” website at:
For  Perseus texts you may have to notice the menu near the top of the page for switching back and forth between Latin and English


Odes, English:
Odes, Latin:
For UNC students only: go to and do a “general search” for “Horace.”  You’ll get 26 poems in English translations with notes in nice pdf files (you need Adobe Acrobat);  see esp. the interesting and difficult 2.1, and 3.1-6 (i.e. the first six poems of Book 3, the “Roman Odes”)

Ovid, Metamorphoses: (for Ovid see also links below)


Ovid, Amores, etc.:

Latin & English of “Art of Love,” “Remedy of Love”, “Art of Beauty”, “Amours” or “Amores”:

For UNC students only: some of Ovid’s Tristia (poems written in exile)


English, with brief notes:




Latin and English:
For UNC students only: go to and do a “general search” for “Propertius.”  You’ll get several poems  n English translations in nice pdf files (you need adobe acrobat)

(need more links specifically on

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets

Vergil’s Home Page Links, info, etc., from Joe Farrell of Penn.

The Vergil Project  from Joe Farrell of Penn., including news on Summer 98 NEH institute

Syllabus for Latin 228 and 409, “Vergil’s Aeneid”  partly-online course on V. taught by Penn.’s Joe Farrell in 1995

Vergilius Bibliography Index  “Vergilius” is a journal that includes a bibliography of new work on V. each year

Mantovano   An Online, Ongoing Discussion of Virgil and His Influence (you can subscribe)

Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Renaissance: An Online Bibliography  from the people who bring you “Mantovano” (also lists basic Vergil paperback books)

Mark Morford’s Online Images of Fall or Troy, Dido, Underworld From a scholar at the University of Virginia

Perseus Project Text of Vergil in English & Latin w/ Notes  Great resource! Latin text of Vergil, translations by both Dryden and a modern scholar, line-by-line commentary of both Servius (Latin, late antiquity) and Conington (19th Cent.), and info. on each Latin form in Vergil

A Bibliographic Guide to Vergil’s Aeneid Ongoing project of Prof. Shirley Werner of Rutgers U.

Vergil’s Aeneid (Brooklyn College course notes)

Intro to Livy from Reed College
Livy Bibliography

Latin texts (patriot)
Latin text, Books 1-2
Search the Latin text
Perseus Project text of Livy in English and Latin with Helps
Livy Books 1-5 in English at Virginia

Livy and Etruscan Women, by Iain McDougall, The Ancient History Bulletin 4.2 (1990) 24-30
James T. Chlup, Review of Mary Jaeger, Livy’s Written Rome

encyclopedia article

OVID LINKS (old; for more Ovid links, some also old, see )
(See also above for links to texts in Latin and English)
An outline of the structure of the Metamorphoses
Resources for the Study of Ovid’s Metamorphoses Book 8.614-724: Judith de Luce’s page (in progress) on Baucis and Philemon
Ovid: Metamorphoses (great set of links on a page at Reed College)
Scansion of Latin Poetry: Hexameter
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Ovid’s Metamorphoses
U of T Classics: Synopsis of Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Analytical Onomasticon Project (A clickable “who’s who” of The Metamorphoses, produced by King’s College London and Princeton University)
Ovid Project (at U. Vermont. Plates from two illustrated editions of The Metamorphoses, one dated 1640 and the other 1713)
Illustrations for Ovid at the Davison Art Center! (for Wesleyan access only, I think)
Sean Redmond — Recent Ovidian Bibliography (easy-to-use and up-to-date bib. on recent work)
Ulrich Schmitzer’s (German) Ovid home page (lots of great stuff, even if you don’t know German)
Perseus Project Text of Ovid in English & Latin w/ Notes
Professor Michael Roberts’ project on Apollo-Daphne (limited access–only partial url given here)
Timeline of (some) historical and literary events of Ovid’s lifetime = Some information on Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) includes some links on Latin grammar etc. and lower on the page some Ovid links that might be worth checking out o e = Orpheus and Eurydice, which we may read later = Tiresias + Echo & Narcissus, which we’ll read I think links to texts; from Spain vel sim. text of Kafka’s story, Metamorphosis, just for fun
A slightly modified version of the synopsis found in Henry T. Riley’s prose translation of the Metamorphoses (1851)
Diotima bibliography for Ovid
Oxford dissertation in progress on Ovid’s Heroides
Ovid im (German for “in/on”) WWW the extensive Ovid page and links of scholar Ulrich Schmitzer (lotsa links here)


The Perseus Project texts of Cicero texts in Latin (though you can click on words to get analysis of form or meaning) and English; only accessible from Wes or if you are a subscriber, I think.

Latin texts of Cicero at

Latin and in some cases English texts of Cicero and many other authors online at the Forum Romanum; scroll down the alphabetical list to find Cicero texts

Marcus Tullius Cicero-“The Cicero Homepage” Very good page; some pics, a chronology, links to texts, and some bibliography (aimed at advanced students, mainly).

Cicero’s Philosophy     Survey of Cicero’s life and philosophical works on the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, with links to pages explaining the various philosophcial schools

Cicero’s Oratory:A brief overview of Cicero’s life and his work in philosophy and rhetoric.

CICERO ON THE GENRES OF RHETORIC  “a translation by John F. Tinkler (c) 1995 of selected Ciceronian texts dealing with the deliberative and demonstrative genres”

Mr. J’s Cicero Page I don’t know this guy’s story, but he’s got a Cicero page with a pic and some pretty good links

 General Classical Studies  ((these all need to be checked)): Perseus Project Home Page Great online material on Greek stuff: texts in G. & E., pics of vases etc., historical and mythological background. Roman stuff (next) just getting started Roman Perseus Roman part of the Perseus Project has texts and translations of major authors. Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World (lots of info: links, pics, bibliog., some texts) Ovid: Metamorphoses (great set of links on a page at Reed College) Diotima Anthology of Translated Materials Tech Classics Archive (Eng trans) The Romulus Project: An Electronic Library of Latin Literature With Virtual Commentary CLASSICS List (an internet discussion list; often annoying but sometimes useful & fun)  

Other sites for Classics Resources in general:

Bibliography: see also Diotima and other sites

  • Look it up!THIS IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**** (great search tool for all kinds of stuff in Classics, including the next two bibliographic tools)
    TOCS-IN Search (great search tool for recent articles in Classics)
  • Gnomon: Titelsuche (Classics bibliographical tool; you don’t really have to know German; just type your terms in the Alle Felder (all fields) box and click Suche Starten (start search). Then it may help to know that Rez. = “a review”, S. = p. (page). )