Note: I am retiring as of Jan. 1, 2025.
Jim O’Hara pronouns: he/him
George L. Paddison Professor of Latin
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Past President, Vergilian Society (central two pics are Symposium Cumanum 2017, 2019)
319 Murphey Hall
phone? send me an email
fax: (919) 962-4036
Classics Dept. Main Office phone: (919) 962-7191
Electronic mail: jimohara -at- unc.edu
Classics Department Home Page: http://classics.unc.edu
Personal Home Page (this page): https://jimohara.web.unc.edu
My curriculum vitae (with some links to journals and publishers)
My page on the department website:
My page on academia.edu (with some downloadable publications):
Mailing address:
James J. O’Hara
Department of Classics
CB# 3145, 212 Murphey Hall
The University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145
Courses FA 2023
LATN 901: Seminar: Catullus
LATN 221: Vergil: Aeneid
Courses SP 2024
LATN 333: Catullus
CLAS 55: Three Greek and Roman Epics
Office Hours SP 2023
Mon- Wed 11-11:45 or by appt. or polite drop-in
Courses 2009-2021
Courses FA 2022
CLAS 122: The Romans
LATN 774: Vergil: Aeneid
Courses SP 2023
LATN 222: Cicero
LATN 353: Satire: Juvenal
O’Hara Frascati handout June 2024
O’Hara Cumanum Powerpoint as pdf June 2024
Things you can buy!:
- True Names: Vergil and the Alexandrian Tradition of Etymological Wordplay (Ann Arbor 1996).
Expanded paperback edition with new Introduction (2017), available from Michigan or from Amazon.
- Inconsistency in Roman Epic: Studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan (Cambridge 2007)
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0521646421/sr=8-1/qid=1156341213/ref=sr_1_1/103-4899663-7351806?ie=UTF8 - Commentary with vocab.: Vergil: Aeneid: Book 4 (for intermediate college classes or the equivalent)
http://focusbookstore.com/aeneidbook4.aspx - Commentary with vocab.: Vergil: Aeneid: Book 8 (for intermediate college classes or the equivalent)
https://www.hackettpublishing.com/new-forthcoming/aeneid-8 - Commentary on 1-6 by a team including me (no vocab in back; for advanced college classes)
http://focusbookstore.com/aeneid16.aspx - Commentaries on 7-12 underway
- Death and the Optimistic Prophecy in Vergil’s Aeneid (Princeton 1990) (now available again, paperback on-demand!)
My own links pages (not updated often):
- Homer, Iliad and Odyssey (partially updated 2021, many old links)
- Vergil Links (new SP 2002, slightly updated since)
- Lucretius Links (updated F2010)
- Epic Links
- Ovid Links
- Catullus Links (2017)
- Catullus & Cicero Links
- Roman Novel Links
- Euripides
- Sophocles (new SP 2002, slightly updated since); Sophocles Intro ppt
- Augustus and the Roman Revolution(1999) Augustus Links(2001), slightly updated since
- Pliny-Tacitus Links
- how papyrus is made
- pic of papyrus plant (and Marion!)
Some handouts:
- Some Writing Tips
- Vergil’s Dactylic Hexameter
- Practical Rules for Scansion of Hexameter Without Misery
Some other useful links:
- “Classics and the Big Rock,” remarks on the value of Classics at UNC Classics Department Commencement Ceremony
- Summer Classics website with info. on summer Introductory Greek/Latin courses and other classics courses (a page I helped invent)
- Arts & Letters Daily, from the The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar at perseus.tufts.edu
- The Society for Classical Studies (SCS, formerly called American Philological Association or APA) including directory of members, and recent job listings
- Home page of the Classics List ; web archives
- Home page of the Classics Job Wiki, with some real info and some rumors and anonymous nonsense
- ForumRomanum Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum texts in Latin and sometimes in English
- Lacus Curtius: Into the Roman World Bill Thayer’s annotated collection of web materials and sites
- The Yastrzemski of Prima Porta (found only here! with exciting 2013 update!)
- rec.music.artists.springsteen
- Our enviable Chapel Hill weather
- List of U.S. Classics Departments, from Berlin
- FordhamAncHistTexts —STOA —Diotima —BMCR — WritingResources — www.theory.org — HopkinsLitCritGuide — OEDatUNC — CitationGuides — UMIdissertations— babelfish translate PanteliaE-Resources—publishers — Class&MedArchMich—O’Donnell — curculio — rogueclassicism blogographos — bookfinder—adallbooksearch —alibris —Schoenhof’s Books
- Presses: CambUP—OUP—UMichP— HarvUP—Focus-Pullins—Oxbow
- A Dido page ; “Random Homer Quote” ; Evander; Aeneas (who has a brother Achilles) ; The Mighty Hercules
- President Bush on the Eclogues and Georgics
- The Fictional Rome Home Page
Some Classics majors: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Classics major at Holy Cross; Chaim Bloom, former Chief Baseball Officer, Boston Red Sox, Latin Classics major at Yale; my student Classics major Henry Ross ’08 with Ruth Bader Ginsberg (not a Classics major) at Columbia Law School
The Yastrzemski of Prima Porta